Ignite Your Online Presence, Expand
Your Business Globally!

Silver Look is not just any web developer agency. We’re the developer of your dreams. We’re here to make your dream website come to life.

Made with love

Our team members love their job, and that love will definitely be visible on our work for your product.

Mobile Friendly

Our websites are custom made to fit your expectations and work smoothly on smartphones.

Anytime Support

All of our team members work remotely, so we’re practically available for you ALL THE TIME.


Houston Based.

Silver Look is based in Houston, Texas. However, our team members work remotely so they’re spread out in all of United States. We are a pretty small business for now but we intend to make it to the top with our clients help. And to reach the top, we will do whatever it takes, from long hours to happy clients. We’ll do it all.


Our Services

Your dream on the screen

We create amazing looking website based on your exact preferences. You pick how you want your website to look. No idea yet? No worries we can send over some ideas.


eCommerce is one of the most popular business models nowadays. We have experts at Silver Look that can create an eCommerce shop for you in any way you want.

Web Development

Running a business is hard. What’s harder is developing a website to reach potential clients globally. Don’t worry about that. Let us handle that for you while you worry about handling the business.


SEO is the most important aspect of having a website. Because what good is a website if people can’t look you up. Our websites come with SEO packs allowing you to optimize your website to reach maximum audience on the search engines.

Web Management

Having a website is not just a one-time thing. You need to maintain it regularly to ensure smooth browsing for customers. New to this? Don’t worry, if needed we can provide you with instructions on how to do regular maintenance on your website.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the key in today’s society. We’re mainly into website development but for the happiness of our clients, we’ve hired some social media marketing managers.

A user friendly Website built with usability in mind

Every project is different and so should the process be. We’ll define a clear framework of how we communicate, exchange feedback and effectively work together.

Build Your Website to the Ultimate Level with Silver Look

Silver Look is determined to exceed your expectations. Don’t believe us? Give us a try. We won’t disappoint.



Your team of dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a free quote?

Yes, of course. Fill out our contact form or shoot us an email and we’ll get back to you. We typically respond within few hours.

Do you stay in touch after order completion?

Yes, customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. That’s why not just a few weeks but even after a long time of order completion, we will stay in touch and you can reach out to us for any concerns.

We’re a new business and need a logo. Do you create one?

Absolutely. We can create logos for your business and post them on your website for very low fees.

Do you manage website?

Unfortunately, our available experts are often tied up with developing new websites and since we’re still a small business, we currently don’t have web managers. However we can provide specific instructions on how to manage your website. Maintaining, editing, and deleting stuff is pretty easy on our websites.

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